Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, 2009


Here I sit at my computer. I can't really think of anything to write. :( I wonder why that is. Should I post his journal as a blog? I don't see why not. Other people might enjoy reading it, and I might get some supportive and helpful comments.

But what to write about? I don't really know right now, how about, writing about how I feel right now? Okay!

Right this minute, I am very excited. I am writing my autobiography for an assignment, not for publishing yet, and it got me to thinking that maybe I could do this for a living!

It's a lot of fun, but I'm not fooling myself, I know it's going to be a lot of hard work, and maybe even some introspection, and that's kind of scary. Oh oh. My mind just went blank. *L* Oh well, I'll wrap this up for now, I'll post more tomorrow.